The mission of the music ministry of Zion Lutheran Church is:
- To illuminate the Word through music and the creative arts
- To enable the worship of the Body of Christ
- To lift up and exalt the name of the Lord
- To provide caring small group ministry to participants
A love of God and a desire to worship through the gift of music, as well as a sense of commitment to the ministry, are the requirements for membership in a musical ensemble at Zion. Please contact Brice Petersen, Director of Parish Music to join.
Sanctuary Choir
Zion’s Sanctuary Choir sings at the 8:30am service three times a month from September to May. The choir also sings for special services such as Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve. Musical styles include works from the 16th century to the present, plus music from the world church (African, Latino, etc.). Anthems might be sung a cappella (without accompaniment), or with organ, piano, or a wide variety of other instruments. Festival services include brass or strings. The choir also sings special verses for hymns and descants for the liturgy. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings, 7:30-9:00pm.
Festival Ringers
Zion’s handbell choir rings four octaves of Malmark handbells and three octaves of Malmark choir chimes. The ensemble rings at the 8:30am service about once a month and on special festivals during the year, with an emphasis on liturgy, hymns, and anthems. The group also participates in the biennial regional Handbell Musicians of America conference. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings, 6:30-7:40pm.
Band and orchestral instrumentalists are always in demand for worship services, either as soloists or as accompaniment to anthems or congregational song. Pianists can serve as rehearsal accompanists on Sunday mornings or for mid-week rehearsals.
Modern Worship Team
This group leads worship during our 11am Sunday service. It incorporates a mix of popular hits and styles to add to our worship. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm.
Sound Ministry Team
Those inclined to electronics can serve the worship at Zion by serving as part of the sound ministry team. Zion’s sound system includes reinforcement for the spoken word as well as music and video.
The Van Daalen Pipe Organ
1974, II/24 stops, 36 ranks
GREAT (Manual I, 56 notes)
8 Prestant
8 Rohrflute
8 Celeste
4 Octave
4 Quintadena
2 Blockflute
II Sesquialtera
V Mixture 2 3/3
8 Trumpette
8 Trompet en Chamade
BRUSTWERK (Manual II, 56 notes)
8 Gedackt
4 Principal
4 Spillflute
2 Octave
1 1/3 Quint
IV Scharff 1/2
8 Krummhorn
PEDAL (32 notes)
16 Subbass
8 Prestant
8 Gedackt
4 Chorall Bass
V Mixture 2 2/3
16 Posauna
4 Schalmey
Great to Pedal
Brustwerk to Pedal
Brustwerk to Great
Mechanical key and stop action