Children’s Ministry

Sunday School  9:45-10:45am

Through early Christian Education, seeds of faith are planted.  Sunday School provides creative and interactive learning to prepare children’s hearts to receive and welcome God’s Word.  We offer Sunday School for children beginning at age 3.  Sunday School runs from 9:45-10:45am.

Children at Worship

We are pleased to have children at worship. We have quiet activity bags for use during worship. They are available in the entry area at the rear of the church. A nursery is open but unstaffed on the lower level on Sunday mornings.  There is also a “Children’s Room” in the rear of the church for those wishing to stay with their children and still participate in the worship service.

Wednesday Night Education 6:307:45pm

Wednesdays are an exciting time for Bible Explorer’s Club and GLOW. Each Wednesday, children pre-K– 5th grade meet and learn more about God’s Good News. They meet each Wednesday during the school year from 6:30 to 7:45pm.